Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Prevention of  censorship - Most important tool of education. A society that fears intelligence, historically, will not be successful. We have to encourage our kids to learn whether we deem the subject "acceptable" or not.

Mindfulness - Useful in more than just school. Useful in life. WIth mindfulness mastered, people are able to function in high and low pressure situations. If we want a truly educated society, we must be able to operate in difficult scenarios, and peace of mind will enforce that.

Grit - Used to persevere in school, and in everything else. If one contains grit, then they will continue to work no matter the circumstance. It is easy to give up, but if we raise our children with grit, giving up will not be an option, and success will, and must emerge.

Critical thinking - Necessary for success in life. Coupled with grit and mindfulness, critical thinking can be a weapon. If one has the ability to see a situation or problem, accept that problem, think through that problem and discover a way to solve it, then success will be achieved, and that is the ultimate goal of education.

Creative arts - Improve cognitive abilities, but not as important as the others. Arts can greatly enhance one's mind, but until one has been released of the bonds of censorship, has mastered mindfulness, has retained a legitimate amount of grit, and is able to think critically, use of the creative arts will (on most) not be as effective as it could be. I believe creative arts could be a great tool, but only (once again, in most cases) if used after the others.

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