Monday, November 4, 2013


            Hello to all my viewers. I am starting my second paper for English 101, and I will be comparing two of my favorite teachers, and the differences in how they taught. The first teacher I will be writing about was my eighth grade science teacher; Mr. Peters. I remember his class vividly because that was where I realized my love for science. I remember having that class with my friend Casey, and looking forward to it every day. Mr. Peters connected with his students, made them laugh, and treated them like adults, which is why he is one of my favorite teachers.
            The other teacher I will be writing about is my freshmen year math teacher; Mr. Hale. I won an Outstanding Math Achievement Award in his class, and had a good time while doing so. Mr. Hale team-taught with his counterpart Mr. McCorkle. He would play off him and use jokes and stories to teach us math without us even realizing it. Mr. Hale genuinely cared about his students and their lives outside of class. He was constantly involved and in-the-know with things going on in students lives such as sports, charities etc. Both these teachers are men I look up to. Until next time; thanks for reading. -Garrett

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