Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Audre Lord

            Hello to all of my viewers. Today I read chapter 3 of Zami , by Audre Lord. Lord illustrated the librarian’s kindness to her by telling the story of the librarian reading her stories when she was too young for story time, and how the simple offer of a story calmed her down from throwing a temper tantrum.
            She also illustrated the rudeness of her sight-preservation teacher by telling the story of when she was instructed to copy a single letter, but instead wrote her name. She included her parents’ reaction to the teacher saying that she wasn’t ready to go to kindergarten based off of this behavior. Her parents’ reaction was to immediately move her into first grade at the private Catholic school.
            Her first grade teacher at the new private school was a nun. The teacher separated the class into two groups; the Fairies, and the Brownies showing her prejudice towards African-Americans. The teacher was illustrated as unfair, and mean. Audre was once punished by the teacher for breaking her glasses. The teacher even requested that Audre’s parents dress her in less layers, so it would hurt more when they spanked her. Audre Lord undoubtedly had some terrible teachers. Until next time; thanks for reading.

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