Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Traveling Solo

         Hello to all my viewers. I just read “How I Turned to Love Traveling Solo” by, Cate Huston. This narrative was educational in more than one way. It spoke about the learning experience of the blogger, as well as teaching the readers about solo travel. This blog relates to the first unit in the sense that it was an educational narrative about a significant thing in the life of the writer. Different from other educational narratives, she (Huston) took a section to educate her readers as opposed to simply talking about her own educational experience.

         I can relate to Huston in the sense that like me, and the rest of my fellow students, she is sharing her narrative via blog form. It seems the simpler form of sharing ideas. Writing a blog to tell a personal narrative allows for a slight informality and personality that might be seen as undesirable in a formal paper. I will be sharing my own educational narrative via formal paper, but if given the choice, I think I would share through blog as Cate Huston has.

         This text was interesting and I may apply it to myself in future travels. I enjoyed that she shared advice in her blog, and that’s something for me to consider doing in mine. Until next time; thanks for reading. -Garrett  

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