Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dead Poets Society

* All boys religious private school
* High success rate
* Very cult like
* Neal has a very strict father
* Very intelligent, but very droll teachers, except the new alumni English teacher
* English teacher uses unconventional methods
* The boys are relatively close
* Has students destroy textbooks
* Teacher was soccer captain, thigh man, annual edit, and member of the dead poets society
* Students very interested in their teacher
* The guys want to go to the cave where the Dead Poets Society was hosted
* Mr. Keeting left the DPS book in Neil's room for the boys
* All take turns reading poems
* "We must constantly look at things in a different way"
*   Neil wants to audition for a play despite his father's wishes
* Neil gets the lead part, and writes permission letters posing as his father, and his dean.
* Mr. Keeting uses crazy methods to find the poets in his students
* "You must believe that your own thoughts are unique" (not exact words)

    Students are close, but live pretty guided, boring lives. Mr. Ketting is an alumni English teacher who loves poetry. He uses unconventional methods to teach his students to write and love poetry, and to seize the day; or carpe diam.

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