Thursday, October 17, 2013


-Creativity is more important that literacy

-If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never create something original

-We get educated out of creativity, being taught that mistakes are bad

-Every education system on earth has the same heirarchy

-Most useful subjects at work are taught first

-People can be incredibly smart, but not think so, because their type of knowledge is not valued

-Intelligence is diverse, dynamic, and distinct

-Some kinetic people need to "move to think"

I think good teachers see how their students think, and exploit that. A good teacher would notice that Student A is an existential learner, and Student B is a musical learner. The teacher would then devise a way to teach both students the same lesson, but through different means. A good teacher would not criticize a student for where their skills are lacking, but instead embrace what they are good at, and find a way to use that to improve upon where they need work. Some teachers may see their students as a manager sees their factory workers; all the same and doing the same job. But a good teacher would see that students are individual. They want to learn different things and in different ways. The teacher would see that all of his or her students contain uncapped potential if they learn the way that works for them. A good teacher works for their students, they don't have their students work for them.

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