Thursday, October 3, 2013

10/ - Keeping Calm

           The most important thing I have ever learned is, to always keep calm. I never was uncalm, in fact I almost taught myself about being calm. I just know that I always remain calm and collected, and it helps me avoid stress and confrontation. I rarely have any anger or sadness because of this. It helps to assess situations logically and act on them so forth. This reads as if I had problems staying calm in the past, but that's not at all true. I realized early on that people can't function well when they're angry, or stressed, or panicked.

            This is the most important thing that I have ever learned, because it carries me through everything. I wear a yin-yang bracelet to always remind myself to stay collected. Remaining calm at all times helps me in stressful situations throughout life. Such as; medical emergencies, exams, confrontations, and this speed-blogging that we're doing right now. Keeping calm is my way of life.

           Everyone has a creed, or a code to live by. I choose to live my life with calmness and collectiveness. It can help me assess and react in situations. Living calm brings peace and with peace, I can live easy-going. 

1 comment:

  1. When life gives you lemons, use them before they go bad.
