Tuesday, October 1, 2013

10/1 - Irony

        Hello to all my viewers. As today I am to write about whatever I want, I’ve chosen to write about irony. We live in a world of irony and some people choose to despise this, some reason that a greater power is controlling it, and some like myself find humor in it.

            I play tennis for my school team and my season has started off well. I have been playing the best tennis of my life. Or I suppose I should say had  been playing. In our match against our rival school, I tore my rotator cuff in the first game. With irony on our side, my partner and I continued to play and eventually win the match. With this new injury, I will not be continuing on with the rest of the season but will hopefully return relatively soon.

            The reason I share this anecdote with you is that while some athletes would be devastated by the news, I choose to find humor in it instead. I have had what some may consider to be an accident-prone past. So when I found out that my rotator cuff was torn, I couldn’t help but laugh. Of course I am disappointed that my undefeated season is coming to an end, but when I had been playing the best tennis of my life, of course I should have suspected nothing less. Irony has it in for us all eventually, and if you can create humor out of a difficult situation, I believe you win. Until next time; thanks for reading. -Garrett


  1. Don't cry over spilled milk, Garrett. Unless its chocolate, cry for days.

  2. Thank you, but I'm not sure that applies.
