Tuesday, October 1, 2013

9/24 - Narrative Models

        Hello to all my viewers. As I am new to blogging, I ask your forgiveness for any Internet faux pas that I may use. Although this blog was created for my English 101 class, who knows where it may end up? This last Tuesday, my professor recommended two blogs to me; “How I Learned to Program Computers” by, Feross Aboukhadiejeh, and “How I Learned to Live Google Free” by, Joshua J. Romero. On a side note, I do recommend both to ample bloggers. Antwat, in reading these two blogs, I realized how easy it can be to engage readers with casual, informal writing. I plan to use this in my future papers and posts. Both authors used an informal, but not unprofessional dialect in directing their viewers. In a few weeks I will be constructing a personal narrative about an event from my past, and I believe that through these readings I may have found a way to convey my story.

                These bloggers both did something quite unique, and they retold their story through example, opinions, and results from their actions. I’m playing with the idea of doing something similar in my narrative. Using these blogs as a reference, I believe that I can derive techniques and styles to convey my own story in both an engaging, and entertaining matter. I plan to include multiple sides of my story as Feross in his blog, and I plan to include the affects the incident left on me, as well as the people involved, like Romero in his blog. Maybe one day my blog will be as popular as theirs, but I made need some practice first. Until next time; thanks for reading. -Garrett