Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10/2 - Malcolm X and Mike Rose

         Hello to all my viewers. These past couple days I have been reading exerts from Malcolm X’s “Learning to Read” and Mike Rose’s “I Just Wanna be Average”, two pieces about unlikely and unique education.
         Both Mike Rose and Malcolm X are generally regarded as quite intelligent men. Surprising based on their education and how they obtained it. Mike Rose was wrongly placed into the Vocational Education program at his Catholic high school. A program designed for below-standard students. This was the result of his testing results being confused with another student. Students placed in this program were often thought to be future deadbeats. However, Rose is now a published poet, has written published textbooks.
         On the other side of the spectrum, I remember Malcolm X once answered “Books.” When asked what his Alma Mater was.
         All this goes to show that an education can be obtained regardless of one’s position in life, and the most unlikely people can turn out to be intellectuals. X and Rose both found education through less than conventional means. Unlike Rose, X’s education was mostly sponsored in a prison library, but this supports the point that anyone can receive education with work. Until next time; thanks for reading. -Garrett

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