Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Process of Living with an Adopted Brother

         Hello to all my viewers. Tonight I am to write about the process in which I learned that everyone is the same. I never thought of anyone as different, but a real defining moment was early on in childhood. When I was five years old, my family adopted my little brother from Korea.

         He obviously didn’t look like me, and he wasn’t biologically from my parents. But he was, and is my brother. I realized that everyone is the same no matter their race, age, gender, or sexual orientation. Growing up with an adopted brother sent me through the process of realizing what love really is. People will question, and always have questioned if he is really my brother. And of course he is. I never have and never would think of him as anything different.

         People are inherently ignorant with situations like this. But if you talk to anyone with adopted family, they’ll tell you the same thing. Having an adopted sibling is just like having a blood sibling. The only difference is they don’t look like you. Having an adopted brother has taught me to love and except everyone, and that we’re all the same. Until next time; thanks for reading. -Garrett

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