Thursday, January 16, 2014

Chapter 5

                Chapter 5 is about deciding which factors to use to evaluate a source, and knowing if you should evaluate all types of sources in the same way. To determine what factors should be used to evaluate a source, evaluate the relevance of the source. You need to determine if the information in a source will help you address your readers’ needs, interests, values, and beliefs.  Evaluate the evidence of the source. Ask yourself, is enough evidence offered? Evaluate the author of the source. Make sure the author is knowledgeable about the topic.  Evaluate the publisher of the source, evaluate the timeliness of the source, evaluate the comprehensiveness of the source, and evaluate the genre of the source. Whether digital or field source, make sure you evaluate the relevance and accuracy of the source. Know your purpose in writing your paper while choosing sources. Remember to determine whether the source is relevant, determine whether the source provides evidence and uses it appropriately, learn about the author of the source, learn about the publisher of the source, consider the comprehensiveness of the source, and consider the genre of the source. Make sure to conduct a source evaluation for all of your sources.  

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