Thursday, January 23, 2014

Source Evaluations
1)      The domain of my website is .gov.
2)      The purpose of my site is information on expanding human presence into the solar system.
3)      There are many different sections and subsections containing information on my website authors
4)      Each article and journal entry on my website is dated.
5)      Everything on the site is extremely relevant to my topic as my topic is space exploration and my site is
6)      Publishers, authors, and editors are all listed. As well as contact information.
1)      .gov
2)      Information about the launch of the TDRS-L satellite
3)      Many different authors all accredited by nasa
4)      Last modified today 1/23
5)      Relevant due to the fact that it is the most recent launch
6)      Publishing information given

Technology in Society Volume 29 Issue 3 (sciencedirect)
1)      .com
2)      Information about humans and robots traveling in future space missions
3)      Link to information about author
4)      Relatively up to date (2007)
5)      Relevant as my topic is the future of space exploration
6)      Publishing information given
Acta Astronautica Volume 66 Issues 11-12 (sciencedirect)
1)      .com
2)      Information on the legal issues of space exploration
3)      Link to author information given
4)      Very timely (2010)
5)      Relevant as legality is an issue in space travel
6)      Publishing information given
Endeavour Volume 34, Issue 3 (sciencedirect)
1)      .com
2)      Purpose to inform of theories regarding colonizing our solar system
3)      Link to information about author given
4)      Very timely (2010)
5)      Relevant as exploration leads to colonization
6)      Publishing information given

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