Monday, March 3, 2014

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 is about drafting. Using your outline is an important factor in your draft. Some things to remember to when trying to draft effective paragraphs are focusing on a central idea, following an organizing pattern, using details to capture your readers attention, integrate information from sources effectively, and create transitions between and within paragraphs. When drafting your introduction, you should frame the issue, and  select a strategy. When working on your conclusion, make sure to reinforce your points and select a strategy. Drafting doesn’t have to be clean. It doesn’t have to look good at all in fact. If it helps you to sit down and powerwrite your draft with a pencil, you can. While people or professors may wish to see your drafts, but your final paper will be what matters, so draft how you want. Drafting with people is helpful as they can offer feedback to which you can note but not necessarily have to use. You can write as many drafts as you wish and drastically change all of them. A good strategy might be to draft lots of papers, take your favorite parts form all of them, then combine them to form your paper. Drafting is open to your interpretation. Take advantage of it.

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