Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Authors and I in Agreement

            Deb Aronson agrees with me. We both feel that censorship is a terrible idea in educating our kids. If students are censored, they cannot grow. They will not be able to accept and deal with difficult situations. We cannot allow our kids to be blinded like this by the educational system. What if we didn’t teach about the Holocaust? Or 9/11? We would be controlling the fourth estate, which is what dictators do. We are not a dictatorial regime. We are a democratic union, and should treat our students as such. It is understandable to assume that some students might have emotional issues dealing with certain topics, and these topics need not be shoved down their throats, but there is no sense in hiding it from them. The sooner they are exposed to a topic, the sooner they are able to cope, deal with, and form their own thoughts about it. Thus we are allowing them time to educated themselves by allowing topics that are considered by some to be “distasteful”. There is no rightfulness in decided what is and is not accepted. A topic is a topic and kids have the right to learn about it and others if they wish.

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