Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Author's Reasons

            Jerry Large’s reasons were based mostly off of his experiences. He believes that “grit” is the most important thing because if a student has grit, they can work hard to accomplish anything. Hard work pays off, and Large sees hard work as being the number one priority.
            Barry Boyce calls for mindfulness as the most important concept for students. He argues that mindfulness not only will help someone in school, but in life as well. His ideology stresses from the believe that if one is stress free, they will be able to do well in all other aspects of life, such as school.
            Keith Gilyard believes that arts are necessary for education. Expression can lead to great ideas, and those ideas can make great thinkers. We will never know what a student is capable of if they are not able to follow their passion. Albert Einstein was quoted saying “We’re all geniuses. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Therefore, students must be able to study their interests.
            Deb Arson believes that lack of censorship is critical to schooling, and I agree with her. If knowledge is blocked, true intelligence can never be reached.
            hooks believes in critical thinking. If we are able to think critically, we are able to solve any of our problems.

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