Friday, December 6, 2013

Mr. Escalante and Mr. MacFarland

            Mr. Escalante was similar to Mr. MacFarland in the sense that they were simply more than teachers to their students. They bonded with them, they befriended them, they mentored them, and in life as well as in school. Both teachers had relationships with their students outside of class and it proved very effective. The two teachers were similar in even their background to teaching. Both could have had a “better” job, but chose to work in smaller school that need good teachers. Why? Because they wanted to help. They didn’t just want to be teachers; they wanted to TEACH. They were both very interested in their students doing well after high school and both took steps into helping with the furthering of education of their students. Mr. Escalante with getting one of his student’s father to allow her to stop working in the restaurant and go to college, and Mr. MacFarland with doing all he could to get Mike Rose into Loyola. And look where he is now! Both teachers came in with their curriculum in mind and were not going to have it any other way. They didn’t care that the students weren’t into their curriculum, they kept it going and eventually their students started to like it. Both teachers took the extra step, and it paid off. 

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