Sunday, December 8, 2013

High School

            High school to me is as democracy was to Plato: the best worst idea we have. It is a corrupt and often unworthy system, but so far, it is the best that we have. We are not fortunate enough to live in a society in which we can specialize everyone to improve on what they are good at. It is simply impossible. High school is our attempt as a society to deem the intelligent, from the unnecessary. It is our attempt to set a standard for kids to meet, and punish their future if they do not. We assume that by standardized test we may find the few individuals who’s minds can be useful, but we often wind up moving past intelligent people due to unfortunate grade marks. I was glad to leave high school. AP and other advanced classes can help, but everyone is still held at the same subjective standards and it’s difficult for them (students) to thrive knowing that there are expected to fail. I understand the goal behind high school: to have a relatively educated general populous, but the system does have many flaws. It is better than no education system, and there are for more important issues, but working to improve things should always be considered.

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