Friday, December 6, 2013

Mr. Escalante and Mr. Keeting

            Mr. Keeting and Mr. Escalante were much more similar, than different. They both cared a great amount about their students and used whatever methods necessary to get them to learn. They were somewhat different in their teaching methods, but with the same goal in mind. Mr. Keeting used situations to make his students think critically and be brave, as to where Mr. Escalante used real world situations to relate to his students. Both teachers inspired their students, but were in very different situations. Mr. Keeting dealt with rich kids from good families, as to wear Mr. Escalante was working with studnts in a poor down, most with shaky upbringings. Both teachers aimed to inspire growth and progress within their students. They promoted individuality and excellence. Both wanted to see their students succeed, and more than that, wanted their students to see beyond what the world, and society, and their families saw for them. These teachers both saw a need for change in part of the educational system and their respective schools, and even though they were rejected, they stuck to what they believed in, and prevailed. And it worked out mostly. Despite some set backs, they achieved what they desired in their students, and changed many young lives.

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