Saturday, December 7, 2013

Gatto's Claims on High School

            Gatto’s claims on high school compared to my high school experience in the sense that when I was in high school, even enrolled in AP and other advanced math and language classes, I still often felt as if I were in a day care or a factory as opposed to a school. Teachers were often GIVEN a curriculum, not free to make their own, and because of this, they would simply teach their given lecture, give their given assignments and exams, and that would be it. Many teachers were focused only on us learning information, not on us increasing our intelligence. I believe this was not entirely their fault, for they were instructed how to teach, but I do not believe that Joe Gatto was far off in his claim that the public k-12 education program cripples our kids. I’m not sure if private education systems are much better, but we don’t encourage our kids to think outside the decided “good” information, and who knows how the intelligence of our populous would increase if we did? Dictating what students must learn is like assigning them a job based off nothing. There will be the few students who are able to rise above this, but we’re losing potentially great minds along the way. Gatto’s claim was not in-accurate, but what to do about it, I do not know. 

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