Thursday, February 27, 2014

Beginning of Outline

Space Exploration Outline:
I)                   Introduction: I give a brief overview of topic, followed by my thesis statement:
a)      Humans need to expand to survive.
i)                    Future missions by NASA are planned to search for terrestrial planets. (Fridlund)
ii)                  It is thought that in today’s society it may be more practical to send robots on these missions. (Bhandari)
b)      How legitimate is the possibility of human survival on other planets?
i)                    Astronauts have died in missions before, but space travel in general is safer than viewed. (Burgess, Doolan, and Vis)
1)                          Much fewer astronauts have suffered from missions than have not. (Burgess, Doolan, Vis)
c)      Education of space exploration is imperative.
i)                    The more that people know about space, the more the issue of exploration will be able to be intelligently addressed. (Scarlatos)
d)     Thesis Statement: If we wish to survive as a race, we must expand our existence beyond our planet alone. We cannot put it off any longer. If advancement towards space exploration is not made, the human race will eventually cease to exist out of our own procrastination.

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