Thursday, February 13, 2014


            The future of human success is in space exploration. Thus we must address the possibilities within it. The question to be addressed is: Can humans and robots colonize other planets and moons in our solar system and beyond? I believe that we can. I wish to educate the general populous about our future as a race advancing into space, and hopefully encourage more young scholars to pursue careers in astronomy, astrophysics etc., as to further this goal of exploration and colonization along more quickly. This paper is intended for scholars, as well as anyone interested in the future exploration of our universe. It will be written in the format of a research paper as to inform readers of the issue from different points of view and practicality. I understand that most people don’t know a huge amount about this topic, and I intend to address that. I plan on using work from NASA and scholarly journals written by astronomers, engineers, and astrophysicists. I hope to inform and inspire.

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