Friday, February 28, 2014

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 is about using sources effectively. To use sources to accomplish your purposes as a writer, make sure that you introduce your idea or argument, contrast other ideas or arguments, and make sure to supply evidence for your arguments. Aligning your argument with an authority figure can provide some prestige to your opinion. Remember to define a concept, illustrate a process, and/or clarify a statement. When introducing your argument, remember to set a mood, provide an example, and amplify or qualify your point. When integrating sources into your draft, you must be sure to identify them. You can do this by using attributions and in-text citations or providing context. Paying attention to your quotes and place them strategically. Feel free to use partial quotes along with complete and block quotations. You can modify your quotations as appropriate, but be sure to remember to correctly punctuate them. You can paraphrase information, ideas, and arguments as well as summarize them. Other ways to display your information are the presentation of numerical information as well as the use of images, audio recordings, and animated sources. When documenting your sources, you must first choose a document style. Then provide in-text references and publication information, check for unattributed sources in your document, and distinguish between your ideas and ideas in your sources.

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