Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chapter 16

            Chapter 16 is about writing with style. To begin writing with style, write concisely. Remove unnecessary modifiers, remove unnecessary introductory phrases, and eliminate stock phrases. Use active and passive voice affectively, and adopt a consistent point of view. Choose your words carefully. Think about things like formality, specialized language, and variety. You’ll need to polish your style, and to do that, try carrying your sentence structure, create effective transitions, introduce other authors effectively, avoid sexist language, consult a good handbook, and read widely. Every other has a different style, and that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to explore new styles, just pay attention to the audience you’re addressing and the necessary measure of formality. You want to connect with your readers, but you also want them to respect you, so you can’t forget to write formal and professional if necessary. Sometimes you can address an audience directly, sometimes you can write as one of them. Feel free to practice multiple types of style and see what works for you. There’s no reason you can’t change styles based on genre and topic. If instructed but your professor to write with a certain style, then you must stick to it, but if given free choice, take advantage of it.

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